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Reference Functions generate_lammps


generate_lammps(filepath, x, y, z, mol_type, compress_species_line=False)

Reads POSCAR file and generates a supercell for a lammps input file.


  • filepath (str) –

    Filename (if in current working directory) or absolute path or os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'')

  • x (int >= 1) –

    Amount in the x direction the structure will be multiplied by.

  • y (int >= 1) –

    Amount in the y direction the structure will be multiplied by.

  • z (int >= 1) –

    Amount in the z direction the structure will be multiplied by.

  • mol_type ("{'XYZMolecule' or 'ABCMolecule-direct' or 'ABCMolecule-cartesian'}") –

    What kinda of molecule object you want it to save as.

  • compress_species_line (bool default False, default: False ) –

    If you want to decompress the species line into smallest length possible.


  • ABCMolecule | XYZMolecule

    ABCMolecule object if mol_type = 'ABCMolecule-direct' or 'ABCMolecule-cartesian' and XYZMoelcule object if mol_type = 'XYZMolecule'.