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Reference ABCMolecule ABCMolecule.manipulate


manipulate(index, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs)

Rotate or move only INDEXED atoms in ABCMolecule.


  • index (MolIndex) –

    MolIndex can be a list of strings or integers or a single string or int that is either an atom number, species+species number (Molden style), or species.

  • func ("{'move' or 'rotate'}") –

    ABCMolecule method you want to execute on the indexed atoms.

  • inplace (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, perform operation in-place.

  • *args

    Arguments of the chosen function 'move' or 'rotate'.


  • ABCMolecule

    ABCMolecule with selected atoms moved or rotated.