Turbomole define
Geometry Optimization using DFT Steps
- You can follow the steps below or look at the attached PowerPoint "Guide-Turbomole_Files_&_Menus.pptx"
- Convert the .xyz file to Turbomole format using command
x2t file_to_convert.xyz > coord
- Run
- Press enter twice to skip importing a prebuilt control file.
- Now we are in the molecular geometry menu:
- Import the coord file: Type "a coord"
- Make sure #ATOMS is equal to the amount of atoms you have.
- See if there is symmetry in structure: Type "desy"
- Continue to the next menu: Type "*"
- Answer the prompt if you are using internal coordinates: Type "no"
- Now we are in the basis set menu:
- Choose a basis set: Type "b all SVP" for the DNA molecule calculations.
- Ensure the #atoms is equal to #bas to confirm the basis set was defined correctly.
- Continue to the next menu: Type "*"
- Have define give a guess of electron occupation: Type "eht"
- Accept the parameters: Type "y"
- Give the total charge: The total charge for our structures is zero so type = "0"
- Accept charge orbitals occupation: Type "y"
- Now we are in the main menu of define.
- Set the dft functional:
- Type "dft"
- Type "func b3-lyp" for DNA molecule calculations
- Type "on"
- Make sure it says "DFT is used" and the correct functional you want is listed.
- Press enter to exit
- Turn on ri (optimization algorithm):
- Type "ri"
- Type "on"
- Make sure it says "RI IS USED"
- Press enter to exit
- Turn on marij (optimization algorithm):
- Type "marij"
- Press enter to exit
- Turn on dft-3 dispersion correction:
- Type "dsp"
- Type "on"
- Make sure it says "DFT-D3 correction is used"
- Press enter to exit
- Set the iteration limit higher:
- Type "scf"
- Type "iter"
- Type "300"
- Press enter twice to exit
- Type "q" to finish the define menu.
- Ensure define created all of the necessary files: auxbasis, basis, control, coord and mos should be in the directory now.
- Check control file to see parameters are correct: Use command "vi control" or "nano control" to open the file
- Ensure the basis set for each species is set which is listed under "$atoms"
- Ensure "$scfiterlimit 300" is correct
- Ensure under '$dft", the functional listed is correct
- Ensure "\(rij" , "\)marij" and "$dsp3" are in the control file. (Located near the bottom)
- Exit nano by pressing "Ctrl-x", "y" and enter.
- Open the SLURM file (run_turbomole.sh): Use vi or nano.
- Change the job-name to something unique so you can remember it.
- Edit time limit if necessary.
- Edit partition, nodes, and ntasks amounts if necessary.
- Ensure line "jobex -ri -c 700" is not commented out. This is the geometry optimization function for Turbomole. None of the other functions (NumForce and aoforce) should be uncommented in this area of the SLURM file.
- Submit the job using command "sbatch run_turbomole.sh"