Lessons Lesson 3
Lesson 3 - Using Molecular Mechanics (MM) to learn about Geometry Optimization
Written by Jeremy Schroeder.
Geometry Optimizations are the backbone of DFT calculations. It is the first calculation you initiate with a new system or with new initial conditions. Below will describe in short detail how a geometry optimization happens using a force field method, AMBER94. This is a simplification of how DFT programs actually optimize structures but I believe it is a good start to understanding how DFT actually works. The below information is found in the github repository tmpchem/computational_chemistry.
Optimization Process Flow
Click through to look at the broad overview for how a molecular mechanics geometry opitimization works.
flowchart TD
A[Initial Setup Step] ---> B[Main Step]
B ---> C[Check for Convergence]
C -- If Convergence \nCriteria is met --> D[Finish Calculation]
C -- If Convergence \nCriteria is not met --> B
- Finds Energy
- Finds Gradient
- Makes Initial Trajectory
- Sets initial convergence criteria values
- Choses Step Direction
- Line Search (Moves Atoms) (two methods, conjugate gradient and steepest direction)
- Finds New Energy
- Finds New Gradient
- Edits Trajectory
- Updates convergence criteria values
How to Find Energy
Click through to look at the equations to find the total energy of the system that is used every iteration step.
\(E_{total} = E_{potential} + E_{kinetic}\)
\(E_{total} = (E_{bonded} + {E_{non\:bonded}} + E_{boundary}) + E_{kinetic}\)
\(E_{total} = ((E_{bond} + E_{angle} + E_{torsion} + E_{out\:of\:plane}) + (E_{van\:der\:waals} + {E_{electrostatic}}) + E_{boundary}) + E_{kinetic}\)
\(E_{potential} = E_{bonded} + {E_{non\:bonded}} + E_{boundary}\)
For each bond, the energies below are calculated:
- If not noted, the argument is a float value.
\(E_{bond} = k_b * (r_{ij} - r_{eq})^2\)
Energy [kcal/mol] of bond ij.
- \(r_{ij}\) - Distance [Angstrom] between atoms i and j.
- \(r_{eq}\) - Equilibrium bond length [Angstrom] of bond ij.
- \(k_b\) - Spring constant [kcal/(mol*A^2)] of bond ij.
\(E_{angle} = k_a * ( \frac{\pi}{180} * (a_{ijk} - a_{eq}) )^2\)
Energy [kcal/mol] of angle ijk.
- \(a_{ijk}\) - Angle [degrees] between atoms i, j, and k.
- \(a_{eq}\) - Equilibrium bond angle [degrees] of angle ijk.
- \(k_a\) - Spring constant [kcal/(mol*rad^2)] of angle ijk.
\(E_{torsion} = v_n * \frac{1.0 + cos(\frac{\pi}{180} * (nfold*t_{ijkl} - \gamma))}{paths}\)
Energy [kcal/mol] of torsion ijkl.
- \(t_{ijkl}\) - Torsion [degrees] between atoms i, j, k, and l.
- \(v_n\) - Half-barrier height [kcal/mol] of torsion ijkl.
- \(\gamma\) - Barrier offset [degrees] of torsion ijkl.
- \(nfold\) - (int) Barrier frequency of torsion ijkl.
- \(paths\) - (int) Number of distinct paths in torsion ijkl.
\(E_{out\:of\:plane} = v_n * (1.0 + cos(\frac{\pi}{180} * (2.0 * o_{ijkl} - 180)))\)
Energy [kcal/mol] of outofplane ijkl.
- \(o_{ijkl}\) - Outofplane angle [degrees] between atoms i, j, k, and l.
- \(v_n\) - Half-barrier height [kcal/mol] of torsion ijkl.
For every atom pair, the energies below are calculated
\(E_{van\:der\:waals} = \epsilon_{ij} * ( r_{6ij}^2 - 2.0 * r_{6ij} )\)
Where \(r_{6ij} = (r_{oij} / r_{ij})^6\)
Van der waals energy [kcal/mol] between pair ij.
- \(r_{ij}\) - Distance [Angstrom] between atoms i and j.
- \(\epsilon_{ij}\) - Van der Waals epsilon [kcal/mol] between pair ij.
- \(r_{oij}\) - Van der Waals radius [Angstrom] between pair ij.
\(E_{electrostatic} = \frac{332.06375 * q_i * q_j } {\epsilon * r_{ij}}\)
Electrostatic energy [kcal/mol] between pair ij.
- \(r_{ij}\) - Distance [Angstrom] between atoms i and j.
- \(q_i\) - Partial charge [e] of atom i.
- \(q_j\) - Partial charge [e] of atom j.
- \(\epsilon\) - Dielectric constant of space (>= 1.0).
- 332.06375 is the conversion of electrostatic energy from [ceu] to [kcal/mol].
Calculate simulation boundary energy of an atom.
\(E_{boundary\:cubic} = k_{box} * (|n_{atom} - n_{origin}| - bound)^2\) where \(n = x,y,z\)
For all atoms outside the boundary box,
- \(k_{box}\) - Spring constant [kcal/(mol*A^2)] of boundary.
- \(bound\) - Distance from origin [Angstrom] of boundary. Aka how large the boundary is.
- \(atom\:coords\) - Array of cartesian coordinates [Angstrom] of atom.
- \(origin\:coords\) - Array of cartesian coordiantes [Angstrom] of origin of simulation.
\(E_{boundary\:spherical} = k_{box} * (r_{io} - bound)**2\)
For all atoms outside the boudary sphere,
- \(r_{io}\) - 3d distance between origin and atom.
- \(r_{io} = \sqrt{(x_{atom} - x_{origin})^2 + (y_{atom} - y_{origin})^2 + (z_{atom} - z_{origin})^2}\)
- \(k_{box}\) - Spring constant [kcal/(mol*A^2)] of boundary.
- \(bound\) - Distance from origin [Angstrom] of boundary. Aka how large the boundary is.
For every atom,
\(E_{kinetic} = mass_{atom} * n_{velocity}^2\) where \(n = x,y,z\)
- \(mass_{atom}\) - Mass [g/mol] of atom.
- velocity - Array of velocities [Angstrom/ps] of atom.
- Either you use the velocities of step n (default method) or an average of step n and step n-1 (leapfrog method).
How to Find the Gradient and Convergence
Click through to look at the details of how the gradient is created and how a calculation finishes by convergence.
Each atom is perturbed and moved in each axis direction (6 times) and the energy of the system is recorded for each pertubation.
This in turn is calculating the Energy gradient or the first derivative of it.
The picture below shows a potential energy surface for a water molecule with x axis being the H-O-H bond angle, y axis being 1 O-H bond length and z axis being the total energy of that particular structure.
There are different techniques to do a search method on a 3d matrix such as conjugate gradient and steepest direction. We want to choose the perturbed structure that produces the lowest energy is a global minima not just a local minima.
After multiple optimization steps, if you compare the change in total energy and the displacement of each atom among other values. If the change is less than \(10^-6\) (standard value) then the calculation is converged and it will stop.
Ignore the bottom axis in this picture. It is the same graph when the x axis is iteration steps.
A geometry optimization is an iterative process that takes an initial structure, then calculates the total energy of the structure and the energy gradient and iterates on the structure until the total energy converges to a stable value. For DFT calculations, the energy calculation step is more complicated but the main idea of finding a gradient and the structure changing is the same.