Assignment 2 - (Optional) - Create a Potential Energy Surface (PES)
This is an optional assignment but a good learning tool and programming project if you want to learn. Written by Jeremy Schroeder.
I want you to create a potential energy surface for a H2O molecule. Below is a picture of what the lowest energy structure is for H2O. I want you to explore all possible structures of H2O to determine if this is truly the case.
Looking at the water molecule, there are 3 independent geometry variables that can change in the structure:
- The bond angle of H-O-H bond.
- The bond distance of H1-O.
- The bond distance of H2-O.
So to create an energy surface, we can keep one variable constant and change the other two. For example, we can change the bond distances H1-O and H2-O bond for a specific bond angle.
The ranges of each variable should be:
- Bond angle - between 0-180°
- Bond distances - betwen 0-5 Å
You can use a DFT program such as Turbomole, Gaussian 16 and Orca or you can use a lesser computationally expensive level of theory like XTB or MM as a calculator to calculate the single point energies.
- Create a workflow using python or bash to strategically create structures, send the structures to the energy calculator and record the total energy value found from the calculator.
- Determine a simplified method to store the large amount of data retreived from the script.
- Use a graphical software like pyplot to graphically show the results and the PES.
- Identify the global minimum and local minima found.
If you need help, feel free to contact Jeremy.