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HPCC Logging onto HPCC Windows

Log on For Windows Devices

Instructions to Log On for the First Time

  1. Make sure you are on the wifi network TTUNet. If you are off campus, look at the VPN Instructions to be able to log in.
  2. Open the Terminal Program, I prefer Mobaxterm.
  3. Type command in the terminal "ssh" where eraider is your eraider account name.
    • If you are on mobaxterm, you can go to Session > New Session > SSH. Type in Remote Host. Click specify username and type your eraider account name. Click OK. This will save your profile and you can just click on the session to login for future times.
  4. You are now on the super computer!
  5. Go to Intro to the Terminal to learn how to interact with it!

In order to do our research correctly we need different categories of programs. We need a visualization software to be able to see the molecular models. We need a good text editor to be able to see the output files of the DFT programs. For Windows, we need to download a program that contains a terminal (Windows PowerShell does not count). We also need a file transfer program; MobaXterm has it built in or you can download WinSCP. It is also a good idea to have a coding environment downloaded locally to be able to program.

Programs with a Star are HIGHLY recommended to use.